‘The land has become empty’: The climate crisis, Somali nomadic pastoralists and livestock enclosures
Indigenous and local knowledge and climate education: Co-producing a Somali language course on climate change
Co-Creating Knowledge: Insights from the Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures Network – A Methodological Sourcebook
Synthesis Report: Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures in Somaliland/Somalia Hub
Exploring the Information Needs of Somaliland Pastoralists: Design Considerations for Digital Climate Adaptation Service
Decolonising Development: Academics, Practitioners and Collaboration
Assessing Responses and Needs of Digaale Internally Displaced Persons Camp at the Outbreak of the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVIDED - COVID 19 and Education in Somalia and Somaliland
COVID-19, Sustainable Development and Policymakers in Somalia & Somaliland
Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures: Somalia & Somaliland Background Paper
COVID-19 Responses and Education in Somalia/Somaliland
COVID-19 and its impact on education - Somali version
COVID-19 and its impact on education - Maay version
Somalia, fragmented hybrid governance and inclusive development
COVID-19 and sustainable development in Somalia/Somaliland
COVID-19 and Sustainable Development in Somalia/Somaliland - Phase 2
COVID-19 iyo Horumarka Waara ee Soomaaliya/Somaliland - Wejiga 2aad
COVID-19 and Sustainable Development in Somalia/Somaliland
COVID-19 iyo Horumarka Waara ee Soomaaliya/Somaliland
Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures in Somalia & Somaliland
Nuclear security and Somalia - Eric Herring, Latif Ismail, Tom B. Scott & Jaap Velthuis
Policy Brief: Improving the EU’s local capacity building efforts in post-conflict environments
Evaluating claims of nuclear waste dumping in Somalia/Somaliland
Policy Brief – Improving the EU’s local capacity building efforts in post-conflict environments
Report on EU conflict prevention and peacebuilding in the Horn of Africa and Western Balkans
Beyond Isbaaro: Reclaiming Somalia’s haunted roads
High Quality Research Support (HQRS) Programme
The EU’s Comprehensive Approach and its Implementation
Best Practices in EU Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding
Report on best practices in EU local capacity building
Evaluating international efforts on local capacity building
Addressing the Gap Promoting Youth Inclusion in Somali Peace and Reconciliation
International capacity building in the Western Balkans and the Horn of Africa: Lessons on coherence and coordination
Bristol to Bosaso Summary Report